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How are you supposed to overcome challenging circumstances if you don’t have the tools to do so?
Words bridge the gap between confusion and understanding, the gap between success and failure.
It’s not always easy to understand the way we are communicating with ourselves, others and the world. Words like “abundance” and “compassion” might be something we seek, but we might get lost and find ourselves in a lack mentality and emotionally disconnected. The way we interpret our reality is guided by this language. Language isn’t just a set of grammatical rules; it also works with our imagination and emotions. Only when we understand how our language works with our emotions that we can truly be empowered.
Most importantly we need a toolbox to communicate more effectively with ourselves, others and the world.
The way you experience life is directly related to what you think about.
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“All that we are is a result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.“ -Buddha
This eBook will strengthen positive thinking, making it easier to create healthier habits. You will learn everything you need to know about tools that you can apply to maximize your potential.
You’ll get A – Z vital new skills, concepts, inspirational quotes, and thought-provoking questions to create winning habits.
I’ll teach you how to make your vision a reality, turn your unproductive hours into time well spent, and broaden your knowledge base. A kickin’ self-confidence will help you attract more abundance into your life, take charge or your day-to-day, let go of what holds you back.
If you’re an experienced pro (boo-yah!), then you already know the amazing benefits of reprograming you thought process. I’ve got you covered with a fantastic variety of tools and questions to take you even deeper into your self-transformation.
My inspiration for writing the book was when I started on the path to self-growth and transformation I felt like I had to learn a whole new vocabulary of words. The teachings I learned enabled me to transform my life and I am compelled to offer the tools to YOU.
Tap into the power of your heart and intuition that empowers YOU to take higher quality actions.
What Is It?
This complete guide is a 155 words digital e-guide that answers all of your questions about living your best life PLUS includes workbook questions.
This digital e-guide is an Adobe Acrobat PDF file that you can DOWNLOAD to read on your computer, laptop, iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.
Here’s what’s included…
• Topics include anxiety, understanding your belief system, improving your relationships, manifestation and mindfulness.
• It helps build your spiritual vocabulary by working through definitions and presenting quick concepts that you can immediately apply to your life
• Fostering positive change, this ebook trains your mind to think about your life from a new perspective
• Inspired by contemporary coaching techniques, ancient Buddhism, and new age thinking
• Struggling in one area, you can look one specific word up and turn fear into confidence
• Harness the power of your higher self
• Pick up vital new skills that support a fulfilled and enriched life
Fill Your Mind With Wisdom
Also included are quotes from expert achievers that are relevant to each subject matter with insightful workbook questions.
Inspirational Quotes – Don’t waste your life on spending hours trying to understand concepts. These quotes are straightforward, grounded and first-rate. Learn how to give off good energy and approach your life with a level head.
Workbook – The answers are within you and when you’re asked the right questions, you will discover the answers that align your actions with your goals. The purpose of this workbook is to guide you to in gaining a clear understanding about yourself and your individual journey. This workbook helps people of all back grounds focus on rediscovering examining and developing their highest self. As Socrates said, “Know thyself.”
Awaken Your Source Benefits
Curious how a regular spiritual practice can transform your life? Behold…
• increased happiness
• mental clarity
• boosted self-confidence
• greater sense of spiritual connection
• less confusion
• concrete tools
• more sizzle between the sheets
• discover answers to question you’re seeking
• more peace and calm
• awakened energy
Return Policy: Read this!
Awaken Your Source: An A-Z Guide to Self-Transformation is an 140-page downloadable digital e-guide. (Please note: This digital e-guide is NOT available in hardcover.) There are no returns & no refunds – no exceptions. Consider this a small investment that will reap big, healthy rewards! 100 percent of the proceeds from this digital e-guide go towards maintaining annagoldstein.com
Awaken Your Source Praise
“This beautiful book by Anna Goldstein offers so many concrete tools that can shift your mood and change your life, you can expect serious results if you take it seriously. Sweet, powerful and simple tools to achieve real world results. A fun and inspiring read!”
– Dr. Lara Honos-Webb, Author of the Gift of Adult ADD, www.addisagift.com
“Awaken Your Source helped me discover what words like ‘intuition,’ ‘happiness,’ and ‘purpose’ actually mean. I use these words every day, but working thorough the book’s questions made me rethink my personal definitions, and shined a new light on how I live my life. With clearer definitions of all the eBook’s concepts, I face each day with more confidence and intention.”
– Candace Bryan, www.candacebryan.com
“Anna’s A-Z Guide to Self-Transformation is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to tap into their true potential and deepen their connection with their authentic self. Approachable and easy-to-follow for someone just getting acquainted with spirituality, but also an amazing guide for someone already familiar with spiritual terms. During a time of transition and uncertainty in my own life, Anna’s book helped me maintain clarity and faith in my own potential and purpose! Thank you Anna!”
– Mallory Norton, Entrepreneur
“Anna is inspiring! Awaken Your Source is the approachable, mindful reference we’ve been waiting for; a brilliant glossary of consciousness guiding us on our path to self-awareness.”
– Laura Mordas, Feng Shui & Entrepreneur Consultant