
Calling all aspiring women entrepreneurs ready to get on track, start a business, live your dreams, and make more money…

This all-in-one “Entrepreneur Apprentice” coaching program gives you the confidence, website and personalized action plan to help you emerge from the shadows and grow your business.


YES! You can live your purpose, confidently build your business, have a flexible schedule and make money doing what you love. During our journey together, I’ll show you how to live your purpose on your terms. 

Does this sound all too familiar…
  • Are you stuck in an unfulfilling job, plodding away from 9 to 5…waking up day after day dreading to go to work?
  • Do you feel frustrated and limited by your own negative thoughts and lack of confidence?
  • Do you have a special talent or passion for something, but don’t know how to make money from it?
  • Are you afraid of failure, judgment and uncertainty and so you stay with what you know even though it doesn’t fulfill you?
  • Do you feel like you are meant for something more and know there is more for you, but you aren’t sure where to start or what to do?
Worry. Anxiety. Limiting beliefs. Stress. Fear. Disappointment. Self-doubt. Non-stop frustration. 
“I don’t know how to start,” “I need to spend lots of money on marketing and building my website” “I need a plan!” “I don’t have a plan!” “What will others think of me?” “Am I good enough” “Qualified enough?” “Other people are doing it already- there’s no room for me..” Ugh!

You can change these negative thought patterns and therefore your results!

I’ve got a simple solution that will make your business (and your life) better.

My name is Anna Goldstein, and I am a coach with an expertise in confidence building and business development, who will empower you to eliminate obstacles, gain clarity, set goals, hold you accountable to achieve your desires, and supply you with the tools to take action.
As an entrepreneur, I started from the ground up and developed a successful 6-figure business. So I understand exactly what it’s like to step out into the unknown and go for it, regardless of what others around you say…or even when you keep telling yourself not to do it.
Along the way, I made mistakes and learned from them. I also learned the psychology to success and strategies that will grow businesses. Together, with my guidance, we will efficiently improve your value, prevent setbacks, regain your self-confidence personally and professionally, and take your profits to a new level. My goal is to save you time and money! 

I’m waiting to share my secrets (and tools) with you in my “Entrepreneur Apprentice” coaching program.

For me, having a flexible schedule, spending time with my family, doing meaningful work and being financially empowered has allowed me to enjoy my life fully. I share this so you know I’ve learned a thing or two about what it takes to uncover what lights you up, transforms your life, connects to your authentic self, refocuses your business, and helps you to succeed on so many levels.
I fully believe in this inspiration from Roopleen:

“If you have a dream, don’t just sit there. Gather courage to believe that you can succeed and leave no stone unturned to make it a reality.”

Does this sound like something you want? Well hang on, because I want to share my strategies and tools with you that will help you succeed.
You know you want to have a life and business on your terms: to wake up excited about what you do, create your own schedule, and have the freedom and flexibility you desire, all while doing purposeful work and making good money.
But, first, did you know that, according to Bloomberg, that…

“People are 98% more likely to achieve their goals with a structure of support and expert guidance.”


jillian“When I began working with Anna, I was experiencing a major crisis and desperately needed to cultivate tools to manage my life as well as create a compelling future. I was immediately struck by her deep level of awareness and understanding. She asked totally unique questions that inspired a deepening of my own self awareness and intuition. She saw the spark in me, even in my darkest moment and encouraged me to recognize my stronger parts and put them in charge. Anna from the beginning guided me to discover my purpose, and offered me incredible guidance towards that path. Now I am a coach and I owe it all to Anna and her wonderful coaching! Working with Anna is an enriching, game changing experience that I will always be so grateful for. If you want to change the way you experience life and create the world you really want, then working with Anna is imperative.”
– Jillian, Brooklyn, NY
People succeed in business because they…
  • Have a vision and a plan. They get clear on what success looks like to them and develop a step-by-step plan of action. 
  • Know their WHY. They understand their purpose…deep down inside they are connected with why they are doing what they are doing
  • Improve their mind. They monitor their thoughts, debunk their negative beliefs, and are solution-oriented. They stay out of drama and don’t let fear stop them from doing what they want. 
  • Have a coach. They need someone to guide them, provide them with the ability to see their blindspots and push them beyond their limits. 
  • Have a supportive community. They do not try to do-it-themselves, but know when to ask for help. They know their strengths and weaknesses and aren’t afraid to outsource when necessary. They have a supportive community to lift them up. 

    Right now if you’re saying, “I want all that, too!” I’d like to invite you to take my honest help and gain a community of supportive women. You will get from where you are to where you want to be faster and with greater ease. I promise! 

You know you want to do more. In fact, you know you are meant for more but you are having trouble figuring out what you REALLY want to do.
It’s time. It’s time to stop listening to FEAR and DOUBT and move in the direction of that still, small voice within. The voice of your heart. You know what to do. It’s time to take action and apply for the “Entrepreneur Apprentice” program (keep in mind, only a limited number of spots are available)…


This life-changing, coaching program is for you if:

  • You know you want to have a life and business on your terms.
  • You want to wake up excited about what you do, create your own schedule, and have the freedom and flexibility you desire, all while making good money.
  • You really have a great idea for starting a business, but you’re scared to take the plunge, because what if it isn’t successful.
  • You have a business and you know there is a better way to make money but have not discovered how yet.
  • You are ready to live a meaningful life and contribute more. 
  • You’ve lost your mojo…you find yourself struggling to focus on the tasks at hand each day, because you’re burnt out, overwhelmed, and afraid of making mistakes.
  • You want to have a community of people who support you.
  • You are ready to fully claim your self-worth, your value and your brilliance.
Sound like you? I’ve got great news. When you live your soul purpose all of those problems melt away!
I’ve known Anna as a friend and colleague, and last year decided to participate in her business building group. I came into the program already somewhat established but looked up to Anna with the successful business she has built. Her teachings were brilliant, as she has a unique gift to make everything simple and easy to implement. Her step-by-step approach just made sense! It was fun to connect with the other women in the group and get support directly from Anna. I would definitely recommend it to anyone interested in building their business!
— Alexis Meads, Portland, OR


During the “Entrepreneur Apprentice” coaching program, you will…

  • See how to clarify your purpose and build a business around it
  • Get your own personalized website
  • Discover how to create content and attract clients
  • Learn all about online marketing and social media strategies
  • Find out about mindset: the inner game to success in business and life
  • Uncover he simple way to eliminate those unfulfilling feelings of restlessness and doubt (the answer may surprise you)
  • Easy techniques to define and clarify your purpose
  • Uncover how to increase your personal, financial and professional abundance…for a lifetime
  • And much, much more to make you more successful and happier

Here’s just a SAMPLING of what you get with this powerful, multi-faceted monthly coaching program:

  • ONE 60-Minute VIP Intensive a Month: One-on-one time to gain clarity on your purpose, create your vision statement, remove your blocks and jumpstart you on your business path.
  • TWO 60-Minute Group Calls a Month: We will go over both the necessary mindset and strategies to succeed as an entrepreneur.
  • Unlimited Email Support/Private Facebook Group: Anytime you are stuck, have a question or need support, I will be there to answer you 24/7
  • Online Marketing Tactics: The necessary foundation and functions for you to have a thriving business online.
  • PLUS Worksheets, templates, and guided meditations…to keep you on target and on task.

No more putting your dreams on hold! Now is the time for you to step into living your purpose.

I believe we are born with an inner vision, and we are meant to share this vision and passion with the world. I believe that by holding yourself back, you hold others back. When we stop seeking approval from outside ourselves and improve our own understanding of our own mind, purpose, and soul, we discover the answer within our hearts. From there, we take purpose-driven action to take our dreams and build a business.

It’s like Anthony Robbins said, “It’s not what we get. But who we become, what we contribute…that gives meaning to our lives.”

This “Entrepreneur Apprentice” program can help turn your own dreams into reality…with a little less sweat on your part (and lot more help on my part)!

If you’re ready to step up into your greatness, let’s get going together.

I look forward to talking with you soon!

To making your dreams your reality,



Make up by Bre“Anna, you’re one of the biggest reasons I have what I do in my life. Yesterday, after leaving Dolce & Gabbana’s offices, I went home and saw myself on TV being filmed for a huge hit TV series. I have a billboard up in Times Square with my work on it. My work is in Walmarts all around the country. Everything is happening. And without you, I’d probably still be sitting at a computer desk in finance, miserable, wondering how to get out. THANK YOU. You’ve changed my life, and I’m forever grateful for you.”  
– Bre, New York, NY 


NatalieWorking with Anna has empowered me to completely change my life. Anna is a fantastic person and an excellent coach. When I started working with her I was living my life in fear and I was full of limiting beliefs. With her coaching and direct approach my perspective completely shifted. Before working with Anna I believed that I had very limited options for my future, I could not even begin to imagine all of the possibilities. Now I have started my own business that I am SO passionate about and I am living a life that I truly love. I can’t recommend Anna enough. She will rock your world.”
 – Natalie, Chicago, IL