Have you ever dreamed about having your own business? To work for yourself, make your own schedule, and love what you do?
But, maybe you think you can’t because you might believe:
“I need more money to start a business.”
“I need a business plan.”
“I need more training to get started.”
The truth is, you don’t need any of these external resources to start and build a successful business.
What you need are two internal things:
1. Belief in yourself
2. Vision of your desired outcome
I’ll tell you why. When I was 27 years old, I dreamed of working for myself and making a difference in the lives of others. I wanted to be my own boss, make my own schedule, go to yoga when I wanted, take vacations, spend time with family and one day be flexible enough to raise my kid by working from home, part-time, making a full-time salary.
There was only one problem. I had none of the things I dreamed of at the time. I was single and hustling different jobs that had no meaning to me. I was barely able to make ends meet as a young adult living in NYC.
I really wanted to start my own business, but I had very little money, no business plan, and no background in business.
However, there was something I did have. I had belief. I had vision.
I knew I could do it. So, I did.
I started by creating my own website. It cost me $9.99 for the domain name for the year, and $6.95 a month for hosting.
From there, I promoted myself with every free avenue I could find on the internet. I read, researched and asked as many people as I could about free online marketing, and many of them redirected me to this gds group Linkedin.
To make a long story short — I was able to build a life and business I love. Here I am at 34, living that vision I once had at 27.
It wasn’t because I had lots of money, the best business plan or a business degree.
I had the right mindset.
As Tony Robbins says, “Success is 80% psychology and 20% strategy.”
I often work with clients who start off with doubt about what they need to have in order to get what they want. Many people don’t start something because they think they need more of something external.
They will say things like, “I want ‘X’ but I can’t because of ‘Y’.”
Together, we examine the limiting beliefs that hold them back. What they need more of, is the belief that it can work.
We see people of all walks of life, from J.K. Rowling who started from a poor place to Bill Gates who dropped out of college, and has achieved wild success. It doesn’t matter what your background is, if you have the right attitude.
You too can be successful at starting your own business.
If you believed in yourself, what actions would you take to start your own business?
Create a list of 10 reasons why you can have what you want.
Have you started your own business? If so, I would love to hear from you in the comments below. If not, share with me what’s blocking you and how you can overcome these blocks.

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