You’re looking for that special someone- the perfect match you’d like to spend the rest of your life with.
Fishing for a man can bring in a lot of catches on the hook, but most need to be thrown back in; not because of a flaw on the man’s part, but because he isn’t YOUR Mr. Right.
With so many fish in the sea, in order to catch the right one, it’s important to know what you’re searching for.
Before you throw your hook into the water, consider these questions:
1. “Are you ready for a relationship? Are you independent? Confident in yourself? Wanting a relationship for the right reasons? If you answered yes, then move on to tip #2.
2. Know what you want. If you don’t know what type of partner you want, and the qualities and characteristics you want in a guy – then how will you find him? Make a list of what’s important to you in a partner and stick to it! Don’t settle. It’s better to take the time to find the right person then settle for the wrong reasons. Trust your instincts.
3. Start your search. Try to keep it close to home. Have your friends, family and co-workers set you up. Think about a close friend you have now- could he be your next relationship? Expand your social network. Look for someone with a similar background and interests.”
When you catch your Mr. Right, it should be someone you feel safe with- someone you can be your true self with, and someone you can share your deepest longings with.
Know yourself and what type of guy you’re looking for. When you catch him, it won’t take much effort to reel him in. You’ll know because his tug on your line will feel just right.
Waiting for a bite takes a lot of patience, but that’s what fishing is all about.
Fish-for-a-man and you’ll catch him.

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