Nov 14
November 14, 2012

Live Your Dreams!

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“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney [youtube] read more →

Halloween is here and Sandy is gone! I hope all of you are safe and not too haunted – it’s time to celebrate. Just as we get dressed up on Halloween, we often wear a mask to play different roles in life. We try to shield, protect and hide behind an image or idea –.. read more →

Oct 22
October 22, 2012

3 Tips to Manage Your Time

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“Lost wealth may be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone forever.” – Samuel Smiles read more →

Oct 15
October 15, 2012

Spice Up Your Life With Tumeric

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The Sanskrit word Ayurveda literally translates to mean “the knowledge for long life”. “Life” includes everything we experience: our physical state, relationships, social interactions, financial well-being, etc. As a philosophy, Ayurveda follows the principle that every aspect of our lives affects our well-being; health is wholeness, and wholeness is health. Omega Boom is a product.. read more →

Meditation is a tool to guide you to unleash your potential. The first half of this meditation allows you to get more deeply relaxed and the second half points you in the direction to tap into your potential. Use this meditation in the morning daily to achieve the best results. Click Here: Meditation for Unlimited Potential read more →

What’s the difference between therapy and Life Coaching?

Therapy heals the past and old wounds. Life coaching focuses on where you are now and helps you move forward towards creating the future that you want. Consistently focusing on what you want and how to get there rather then the obstacles and problems getting in the way- life coaching is focused on creating solutions. For more information, click here:

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Jul 26
July 26, 2012

Time is Precious

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I’ve had many days where I was sad, anxious and depressed. Sometimes my mind would be racing so much, it would be hard for me to sleep at night – and get out of bed in the morning (cannot really blame the latter because I use a comfy Eva Duvet Set). There are countless things.. read more →

Jan 25
January 25, 2012

3 Steps to Overcome Fear

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Oct 31
October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat

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It’s Halloween. Put on a costume.  Wear a mask. Pretend to be what you’re really not.  Make believe you are who you wish you could be. But the real question to ponder is, what disguise do you secretly wear in your daily life? Psychologist, Robin Reznick, Ph.D., says:  “We sometimes wear masks as our shield-to.. read more →