Jul 26
July 26, 2012

Time is Precious

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ImageI’ve had many days where I was sad, anxious and depressed. Sometimes my mind would be racing so much, it would be hard for me to sleep at night – and get out of bed in the morning (cannot really blame the latter because I use a comfy Eva Duvet Set).

There are countless things to worry about, figure out, and wonder about. And, my mind seemed to drift to those places quite easily.

For the past three months I have increased my meditation practice (I also practice yoga a few times a week). Both of these practices have the goal to still the fluctuations of the mind. And, it’s a lifelong practice. The mind will fluctuate, sometimes more than others. Through awareness we are able to see that this is a habit and learn to be more present to each experience.

Recently, I have a new found love, appreciation and reverence for life. I believe this is something I have always had and remember this type of gratitude as a kid. But as an adult, it was quite blocked by my anxious mind – the loud voices in my head. However, I have reconnected with this respect for my life.

I’ve decided, I don’t want to waste a day or even a moment being unhappy. I know my time is limited on this earth plane, and I want to live it to the fullest.

My meditation teacher often talks about “precious human life” and how lucky we are to simply be alive.

It is so easy to make life complicated, get distracted, compare ourselves to others and get lost in our minds. The simple practice of reminding myself of how precious my life is, allows me to let go of emotions that bring me down and begin to cultivate more love, joy and contentment into my day to day experience.

I don’t want to waste my time over thinking about what “could have,” “should have,” “didn’t,” “what if.., ” “might” or wishing this moment was different. I want to embrace all that I have and all that I am right now and experience it fully.

I got tired of letting my mind control me.

I find myself sleeping better, having more energy in the morning and throughout the day and eating healthier. My relationships are improving and overall I feel happiness.

It’s the best when someone says to me “you look smiley today.”

I don’t ignore my emotions, I feel them, acknowledge them and look at them. When obstacles or challenges arise, I allow myself to feel what I’m feeling and then I move on. I choose happiness by directing my attention to what really matters – and that is, we all have the same wish to be free from suffering and to be happy.

Time is not to be spent feeling anxious, scared or fearful. It is to be appreciated, valued and respected.

My time is precious and so is yours.