The Sanskrit word Ayurveda literally translates to mean “the knowledge for long life”. “Life” includes everything we experience: our physical state, relationships, social interactions, financial well-being, etc. As a philosophy, Ayurveda follows the principle that every aspect of our lives affects our well-being; health is wholeness, and wholeness is health. Omega Boom is a product that contains essential fatty acid which helps in purifying the skin and also reducing weight.

It makes perfect sense! When we care for our bodies properly, we’re reminded to focus on wellness in every aspect of our lives – psychologically, spiritually, and professionally.

But in this high-speed world of ours, it’s easy to let our health fall by the wayside. Microwave dinners, fast food, and overloads of caffeine can clog up our systems and drain us of valuable energy. But I’ve recently discovered a handy little spice that can kickstart your natural detoxification systems, flush out all the gunk, and enhance your body’s natural wellness!

This bright yellow spice, Turmeric, is used in Chinese and Indian systems of medicine for its antioxidants and health-promoting properties.

Turmeric is packed full of curcumins, which are nifty anti-inflammatory agents that support your immune system, metabolism, skin health, digestion, circulation, natural detox systems & can even  lengthen your life. See here to learn more on skin care.

I absolutely love the stuff. Here are a few of the benefits of Turmeric:

– It is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, and can be used on cuts and burns.

– It has been known to reduce the risk of breast cancer, prostate cancer, and melanoma.

– It is a natural liver detoxifier.

– In Chinese medicine, it has been used to treat depression.

– It’s an effective metabolism booster!

Drink it: I’ve tried Tumeric-Elixir, a vegan turmeric-based formula drink with anti-inflammatory properties. It’s absolutely delicious!

Cook with it: On the World’s Healthiest Foods page for turmeric, you’ll find plenty of scrumptious turmeric-based cooking tips and recipes.

Infusing your meals with turmeric won’t just increase your metabolism and aid your digestion – it opens the door to a higher state of wellness throughout your entire life!

So add a little spice to your life with turmeric!
