As a former athlete, I understand what makes the biggest difference in performance is your mental game. My senior year in high school, I clearly remember being seeded #2 in the Maryland State Tennis Championship tournament. I knew I had an opportunity to win, but I needed to prepare. To assist my mental preparation, I.. read more →
What’s the difference between therapy and Life Coaching?
Therapy heals the past and old wounds. Life coaching focuses on where you are now and helps you move forward towards creating the future that you want. Consistently focusing on what you want and how to get there rather then the obstacles and problems getting in the way- life coaching is focused on creating solutions. For more information, click here:
I’ve had many days where I was sad, anxious and depressed. Sometimes my mind would be racing so much, it would be hard for me to sleep at night – and get out of bed in the morning (cannot really blame the latter because I use a comfy Eva Duvet Set). There are countless things.. read more →
“In our ordinary life, even thought we work very hard to find happiness it remains elusive for us, while sufferings and problems seem to come naturally, without any effort. Why is this? It is because the cause of happiness within our mind-inner peace-is very weak and can give rise to its effect only if we.. read more →
It’s Halloween. Put on a costume. Wear a mask. Pretend to be what you’re really not. Make believe you are who you wish you could be. But the real question to ponder is, what disguise do you secretly wear in your daily life? Psychologist, Robin Reznick, Ph.D., says: “We sometimes wear masks as our shield-to.. read more →
“Your emotions tell you how your energy system is functioning at each moment. They show you at which locations energy is leaving your energy system in fear and doubt and where it is leaving in love and trust. Your job is to identify where energy leaves you in fear and doubt, and change what you.. read more →
“Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the.. read more →
It’s been 8 years since I moved to New York. New York is like the whole world in one place, from little Italy, to Chinatown to the Upper East Side, New York has it all. I remember my excitement when I moved to the city. I wanted to be a part of it. For a.. read more →