The ego limits you. It takes you away from what’s going on right Now. It tells you stories about the past and the future. It might justify with stories you can’t have what you want with reasons. It tells you stories about your past failures. Conversations of the ego makes it difficult to see what.. read more →

Apr 24
April 24, 2008


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We’re so active in our minds with repetitive ego (past and future) thoughts, it can be difficult to create space for stillness. When we let go of those thoughts, and open up a space- that is merging your being with the present moment. Creating space, allows room to give our full attention to be. Rushing.. read more →

Apr 17
April 17, 2008

Who Aren’t I?

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page 186, “Unconscious people— and many remain unconscious, trapped in their egos throughout their lives—will quickly tell you who they are, their name, their occupation, their personal history, the shape or state of their body, and whatever they identify with. Others appear to be more evolved because they think of themselves as an immortal soul.. read more →

Apr 02
April 2, 2008

Food For Thought

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Almost everyone carries in their field an accumulation of old, emotional pain. This sensation is what Eckhart Tolle describes as the “pain-body”; the voice in your head that tells sad, anxious, or angry stories about yourself and your life, about other people, the past, future, or even imaginary events. In addition to the movement of.. read more →

“Constant alertness is required to not let the ego take it over. The challenges that come into your lives – either the challenge drags you into old conditioned ego reactions or wakes you up more.” “Everyday that you do – you use small steps. Not look to some future moment that promises some greater fulfillment.. read more →

Thinking leads to behaviors. Negative thinking effects everything from relationships, to health, money and happiness. When you begin to notice thoughts and your excessive concern with an illusion about the past or the future, you lose your personal power. You create your thoughts and you have the power to change them! The first thing to.. read more →

Mar 18
March 18, 2008

The Background Unhappiness

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“The ego creates separation, and separation creates suffering. The ego is therefore clearly pathological. Apart from the obvious ones such as anger, hatred, and so on, there are other more subtle forms of negativity that are so common they are usually not recognized as such, for example, impatience, irritation, nervousnesss, and being ‘fed up.’ They.. read more →

Mar 11
March 11, 2008

Attached To Labels

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People are attached to things all over the world and living in New York City, where nature isn’t easily found and shopping is- it can be easy to let your thoughts get attached to labels. The first thing that comes to my mind is exclusive designer labels, such as, Prada, Gucci, Fendi, etc. all the.. read more →

Mar 10
March 10, 2008

Join Oprah’s Webcast

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A New Earth read more →

Mar 05
March 5, 2008

Rising Above Thought

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Eckhart Tolle raises a huge question, “Is humanity ready for a transformation of consciousness?” Are you able to become aware that there is more than what you see and think there is? Can you be able to be okay with all parts of the whole – both good and bad? Are you looking for a.. read more →