If you know me, you know how much I love quotes. I recently read this quote and it really impacted me.
Here it is:
“Alongside our greatest longing lives an equally great terror of finding the very thing we seek. Somehow we know that doing so will irreversibly shake up our lives, our sense of security, change our relationships to everything we hold as familiar and dear. But we also suspect that saying no to our deepest desires will mean self-imprisonment in a life too small. And a far-off voice insists that the never-before-seen treasure is well worth any sacrifices and difficulty in recovering it.
And so we search. We go to psychotherapists to heal our emotional wounds. To physicians and other health care providers to heal our bodies. To clergy to heal our souls. All of them help–sometimes and somewhat. But the implicit and usually unconscious bargain we make with ourselves is that, yes, we want to be healed, we want to be made whole, we’re willing to go some distance, but we’re not willing to question the fundamental assumptions upon which our way of life has been built, both personally and societally. We ignore the still, small voice. We’re not willing to risk losing what we have. We just want more. And so our deepest longing is never fulfilled.” From Soulcraft by Bill Plotkin.
As I read this quote, I started to ask myself:
Am I willing to step out and take a risk so that my deepest longing is fulfilled?
I can’t tell you how often that loud voice in our head disconnects us from hearing the still, small voice of our heart. It keeps me and you playing small in our lives.
Whether it be starting a business or taking that next step in our lives, far too often we listen to our fears. We fear disappointing ourselves, others, failing, losing time, and money. And, we spend time thinking about “it” or talking about “it,” but not actually taking a leap of faith into making our dreams a reality.
Therefore, we might want to change, but don’t. Because of this, our lives continues in a direction that’s tolerable, but not what we truly want.
After reading the above quote, I realized that by not taking a risk, I was taking an even bigger risk. Although it can be scary, I would rather take action into the unknown, than cling to what is safe and familiar.
I am starting to build new coaching programs that focus on diving into your life’s purpose and helping you start your own business. Nothing brings me more joy than aligning you with your greatest gifts and having you create a life and business of your dreams.
Are you ready to listen to that small, still voice within you?
Do you have a deep longing to be an entrepreneur and work for yourself, but don’t know how to start?
I’m going to be working with a small group of people who are ready to discover their purpose and start a business.
If there is a small, still voice in you, that is listening to your calling, fill out this application now.
There are only a few people I will be working with. I hope you join me on this journey. I’m looking forward to supporting you to make your dreams come true.
>Click Here to fill out the application

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