By Priscilla Stephen
“Pinch me!”
This is how I feel every morning when I sip my morning coffee poolside overlooking an endless row of palm trees. Every day I’m in disbelief that I am living my dream life in San Diego, California -a dream I’d hoped to live for seven years; or perhaps you could say: my entire life but never felt like it was within my reach.
This is because only nine months ago, my life was radically different. I would spend my afternoons looking out of my Long Island, NY apartment window that overlooked a small park and wonder:
”When will my life begin?”
“When will I feel like I’m really living my dreams instead of just wishing for them?”
I dreamed of living in a sunny climate and escaping the brutal NYC winters since I have a 100% virtual business. I dreamed of finding true love and starting a life on my own instead of being brokenhearted and living with my mother. I dreamed of being financially independent and of having a business that really represented all of me instead of trying to be something I wasn’t. I dreamed of feeling alive and free. I dreamed of a life where every moment felt like it was in Technicolor because it was so aligned with my soul.
Deep down I knew it was possible for me…. If only I could figure out how to get there. The truth is that, years ago when I started my business, I had made a conscious choice to put my life on hold in order to chase success, a 6 figure business and the ego trappings that come with this pursuit. It had left me exhausted, unfulfilled and I felt incredibly lonely and alone. This wasn’t what I had envisioned my dream life to look like. Not even close.
So, last summer, I took a really hard, honest look at what I really, truly wanted for myself. I got super CLEAR on what my dreams were and what it would take to get there. More importantly, I gave up a way of life that left me feeling stale, stagnant and surviving. My life felt like it was on a slow simmer just “waiting” for me to press “start”. That is… until I made a conscious choice to press the “activate” button and decided to go “all in” and choose my dreams over my fears.
The truth is that with every choice we make we are either moving in the direction of our dreams or away from them. Nine months later, I live an activated life. By this I mean, I feel free, empowered, joyful and ridiculously grateful for the amazing nomadic life I lead. I spend my time between living in San Diego and traveling to NYC and Brazil frequently to be with family and friends.
This summer, I am housesitting for 3 months and living rent free in a gorgeous house with a pool. I have amazing and supportive friends and colleagues. A few months ago I met an amazing, soulful man that makes me feel incredibly loved and cherished. I have a business that transforms lives and the world and that gives me ridiculous joy and financial compensation.
I live in a dream city that feeds my body and my spirit. My lifestyle has ease and joy and the rushing and pushing of my NYC years are a distant memory. And what I want you to know is that this all happened through deliberate choice and devotion to my dreams.
The steps that I took to activate my dream life are the exact ones that you can take to activate yours.
Step 1: It Get really clear on what you really, truly want.
Step 2: Explore the reasons have stopped you from going after what you desire until now
Step 3: Connect to the feelings and experiences that make you feel like you are living a “rich” life.
In this day and age, it’s so easy to get caught up on what a guru or society and the media’s ideals of what our dream life really looks like. But it’s your job to get clear on what YOU truly want and only YOU. It’s actually easier to go within and uncover what your soul already knows is best for you than to looks outside yourself for the answers.
When I ask clients what a rich life looks like: it often comes down to having experiences where they feel deeply loved, free, connected and alive. Experiences, in fact, where they feel the joy of a lazy Sunday afternoon with their lover, the soft embrace of rolling around in organic cotton sheets that feel decadent and of taking afternoon naps midday without feeling guilty.
It’s never really about the stuff. It’s really about a feeling, an experience. And the good news is that your dream life is much closer than you have ever imagined it is.
The truth: your soul already knows the lifestyle that you are meant to live.
Your role is to choose to activate it and to start living it. Because the only way to live your dreams, is to LIVE your dream. No more chasing. No more waiting for someday. It’s time. It’s now. Your dream life is available to you right here, right now.
I want to help you feel as free and alive as I do today. And it has nothing to do with how much money you are making right now, how much you weigh, or where you are in your business. But you must take action and choose to start living now vs. someday.
It’s about deciding that you’re ready and you’re worth it. If you’ve been pining to start living your dream life, I want you to check out my 3 part free video training series: The 3 Secrets to Activate your Dream Life.
In this series I share with you my most radical work yet. I demystify the process of living your dream life, help you get super clear on your dreams and then invite you to take action to activate them in your life right now.
So is it time for you to get clear on your dreams and to start living them?
Your dreams are profoundly sacred. They are your soul’s whisper guiding you to live out your destiny and to experience the joy and freedom you truly desire. What if your dream life was already waiting for you and all you needed was to get clear on what that is and to activate it for yourself?
If you know you’re ready to activate your dream life, I invite you to watch my free video series: The 3 Secrets to Activate your Dream Life
Here’s to you living your real dreams. You deserve it!
Priscilla Stephan is an Intuitive Business Strategist and Lifestyle Expert. She helps her clients create more freedom, profit and ease in their lives by helping them connect to their soul’s purpose in business. Through her powerful intuitive work, Priscilla provides laser- focused clarity, guidance and strategy so her clients turbo charge their businesses and make the impact they’re here to make now. Priscilla’s holistic approach to success allows her clients to live their dream lifestyle while sharing their brilliance and embodying their purpose with ease and confidence. Learn more about her at

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