Jun 14
June 14, 2011

Investigate Your Thinking

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“Suffering is optional. Whenever we experience a stressful feeling- anything from mild discomfort to intense sorrow, rage, or despair-we can be certain that there is a specific thought causing our reaction, whether or not we are conscious of it. The way to end our stress is to investigate the thinking that lies behind it. ”.. read more →

Jun 14
June 14, 2011

Some of My Favorite Quotes

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“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.” – Morrie Schwartz “Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit. You are what you repeatedly do.” – Shaquille ONeal “Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become.. read more →

May 19
May 19, 2011

Conscious Creation

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Conscious creation is the act of making conscious effort to create the life you want. It does go deeper than just changing your life, however. Conscious creation actually refers the very act of creating your own reality. One of the tenets of conscious creation is that we each have a separate reality that other people.. read more →

Feb 15
February 15, 2010

Satisfy Your Soul

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Our energetic system is affected by the tone of certain sounds and frequencies. If you’re feeling stressed, reggae beats or rhythms will slow down your thoughts and can help you naturally relax. read more →

Jan 08
January 8, 2010

You Can Do What You Commit To


Happy New Year! It’s your opportunity for a fresh start. Whether your top goal is to lose weight and fit into your skinny jeans, get out of debt and financially plan, get over your x-boyfriend and find your soul mate, finish an old project and learn a new skill or discover how to find more.. read more →

Jan 05
January 5, 2010

Your Mind is an Instrument

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Most of our thoughts are habitual and negative. They are stories about the past and the future. Learn to use your mind and focus your attention on what you are doing. “Your mind is an instrument, a tool. It is there to be used for a specific task, and when the task is completed, you.. read more →

Nov 23
November 23, 2009

Change Your Attitude to Gratitude

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The holiday season is here and it might make you feel joy, stress or fear. It could bring up family struggles and romantic relationship issues.You may feel bad about your unmet goals and think about what you want but don’t have now. Your ego (your mind and awareness) tells you stories about your past and.. read more →

Oct 01
October 1, 2009

Treat Yourself to Spa Deals

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Sometimes it feels like our lives are filled with tight deadlines, frustrations and demands. While we know how awful stress is, we’re constantly racing anyway. It can be difficult to slow down and take time for ourselves. But, we may not realize how our mind and body pay the price. Need a break? During that.. read more →

Sep 23
September 23, 2009

Turn Over a New Leaf

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As summer ends and autumn begins, the sun sets earlier and the days get shorter. Trees prepare for winter as their leaves change colors and eventually fall to the ground. Nature responds naturally to the changing seasons. Let today, the first day of fall, inspire you towards personal growth. It’s time to let go of.. read more →