Finding Your Path: Life Coaching for Young Professionals in NYC Are you in your 20s, navigating the exhilarating yet overwhelming landscape of New York City?  Do you sometimes feel lost among the skyscrapers, wondering if your career path, relationships, and lifestyle align with your true potential?  You’re not alone.  As a young professional in the.. read more →

Your sense of self influences your thoughts, emotions, and actions. At the same time, a sense of self refers to a person’s self as a product of their beliefs, ideas, and perceptions. read more →

May 25
May 25, 2022

What is Life Coaching?

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Coaching is a fairly young discipline, so there are a lot of definitions of the term “coaching”. Let’s take a look at various descriptions offered on the World Wide Web. Coaching can be defined as: *  A process providing an individual with feedback, insight, and guidance on achieving their full potential in their business or.. read more →

Katie DePaola is the CEO and Founder of Inner Glow Circle, a successful training company for coaches and entrepreneurs, and has also authored the book, “At Least You Look Good“, which tells the story of Katie’s inspiring comeback after multiple life obstacles that came by. Having survived experiences that almost had her life done, Katie.. read more →

She spent 26 years as a highly regarded marketing and advertising executive stewarding some of the world’s most iconic brands like Harley-Davidson, Visa, McDonald’s, and AOL. In 2016 she walked away from the corporate world to nurture her soul and discover her purpose. She christened herself Chief Soul Officer and called the journey her Soulbbatical. It did more than change her life, it became her calling.  read more →

Alyssa Hall is a life coach for mom’s. She’s a single mom to her 4-year-old daughter. A couple of years ago her life was a complete mess – every part of her life felt hard; her job, her relationships, and taking care of her self. She didn’t know how much more she could take —so she took a risk. She signed up for the coach training program at iPEC (Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching). She knew it wasn’t a good time, but that there would also never be a “perfect” time. She knew she couldn’t afford it. But also knew she was tired of being unhappy. So, she stepped into her fears of the unknown seeking a career change and left with a completely different life. read more →

Mar 14
March 14, 2020

15 Best Life Coach Quotes

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Here are some great Life Coach Quotes to help navigate confusing times. 1. Don’t let people pull you into their storm. Pull them into your peace.— Pema Chodron 2. The things that matter most in our lives are not fantastic or grand. They are moments when we touch one another. ― Jack Kornfield 3. If.. read more →

Terri Cole is a New York-based licensed psychotherapist, relationship expert and founder of Real Love Revolution™ & Terri Cole’s Boundary Bootcamp™Before earning a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychotherapy from New York University and adopting a daily meditation/green juice/exercise lifestyle, she worked as a talent agent for actors and supermodels. She was your typical Type A overachiever with zero balance and no internal peace. Her ambition and fearless attitude fanned the “must get to the top” flames as I zipped across the country from Los Angeles to New York City fueled by caffeine, nicotine, and adrenalin. (I was shocked to discover that espresso is not a food group!)

When it became evident that the things (money, power, sexy job) that I thought would make me happy – didn’t, I could no longer ignore the voice in my heart asking, “Isn’t there something more meaningful you could be doing with your life than making supermodels richer?” read more →

Where are you stuck? What’s holding you back? We have all these reasons why we can’t do the things we can’t do what we want. We have all these ideas about how we need to be better to have what we want — more education, more experience, the right connections, etc. But what’s really holding us.. read more →

Tamar Daniel is an award-winning fashion designer with 15 years of global experience working with top fashion companies. She loves marrying her passion for helping women further their careers with making luxe clothing that builds confidence. Tamar started out designing for Topshop and moved to Philadelphia for a position with Anthropologie. In 2015 Tamar founded her company  Tuxe. Her brand has been.. read more →