If you’re wondering how to look your best, then it’s a good idea to take a look at your morning routine. Washing your face is something you have to do on a daily basis, and it’s one of the most important things you can do for your skin. If you haven’t changed your skin care routine.. read more →
You can start something from nothing and be something. read more →
Our society largely focuses on love. This can bring up emotions that range from excitement, joy, and happiness to unmet expectations, pain, and disappointment. But, on a day that is so concentrated on love, why do we feel so much unhappiness and lack? One thing I know for sure is whether we have a romantic partner.. read more →
Over the past year, I’ve been contemplating a lot about one thing. Happiness. And not just any ordinary version of the word: Lasting happiness. What is lasting happiness? How do we achieve it? If the reason behind everything we do is to be happy, then what are we doing wrong? We are looking for happiness.. read more →
I understand that it can be challenging to plan meals, go to the grocery store and cook. Then after all that’s said and done, you have to clean it up. Ugh. If only you had an abundance of energy, this would be effortless. But with your busy lifestyle and trying to juggle it all, you.. read more →
When was the last the last time you had a day where everything went exactly as you planned it? Not to be negative, but realistically things aren’t always going to go the way you imagine. When that happens, it’s easy to let stress takeover your mind and body. You do your best not to let.. read more →
When fear, worry and doubt strike, what do you do? Do you fall into old patterns? Say nasty, angry things? There is a simple solution that can help you break habits and routines when you get triggered. Turn up the corners of your mouth. Yep, that’s right. Smile. A simple smile has a measurable effect.. read more →
The biggest barrier most people face in success is not in the world out there, but in the way they relate to themselves – with many self-imposed limitations. In fact, the reason why people get angry, sad, or anxious is because of their limited view. If you have a limited view of your self, your.. read more →
These days there’s a certain lack mentality in society, and the news is constantly highlighting financial downfalls as well as the lack of opportunities in the job market. To some extent, there is a universal and collective fear around not having enough. This fear manifests itself in worries about money, creates conflict in relationships, and.. read more →
These questions are adapted from “Your Money Autobiography” in the Financial Recovery Workbook, by Karen McCall. Spend some time writing your answers. Clarity alone often generates change. What were your early memories of money? Were you given an allowance growing up? Were you paid for chores or grades? What was your experience being paid (or.. read more →