Dec 31
December 31, 2012

2013 New Year Resolutions

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Within the word Resolution is the word Resolve. Instead of making a long list of what you want, pick what you want to resolve: anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies, ego, etc. Choose to heal one negative emotion at a time. Work on that particular emotion until you feel it’s resolution. You will be more.. read more →

Halloween is here and Sandy is gone! I hope all of you are safe and not too haunted – it’s time to celebrate. Just as we get dressed up on Halloween, we often wear a mask to play different roles in life. We try to shield, protect and hide behind an image or idea –.. read more →

Oct 15
October 15, 2012

Spice Up Your Life With Tumeric

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The Sanskrit word Ayurveda literally translates to mean “the knowledge for long life”. “Life” includes everything we experience: our physical state, relationships, social interactions, financial well-being, etc. As a philosophy, Ayurveda follows the principle that every aspect of our lives affects our well-being; health is wholeness, and wholeness is health. Omega Boom is a product.. read more →

Sep 14
September 14, 2012

Are You Afraid of Commitment?

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Oftentimes, people actually aren’t afraid of commitment. We think that we are, but often times it’s something else. So, we want to remove that label of “fear of commitment” and we want to get to, or uncover, what’s underneath that. read more →

Sep 10
September 10, 2012

Paving the Way for Happiness

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In our day-to-day life we can catch ourselves comparing ourselves to others — whether it be in our jobs/career, the dating scene, attractiveness, money and more. In New York (or really anywhere), the environment can sometimes feel so competitive. If we are unaware, we can easily get caught in viewing others as a threat to.. read more →

“There will be a time, not so far from now, that you will look back on this phase of your life and instead of condemning it or beating up on it… Instead of blaming or guilting, you will feel appreciation for it, because you will understand that a renewed desire for life was born out.. read more →

As a former athlete, I understand what makes the biggest difference in performance is your mental game. My senior year in high school, I clearly remember being seeded #2 in the Maryland State Tennis Championship tournament. I knew I had an opportunity to win, but I needed to prepare. To assist my mental preparation, I.. read more →

Oct 31
October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat

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It’s Halloween. Put on a costume.  Wear a mask. Pretend to be what you’re really not.  Make believe you are who you wish you could be. But the real question to ponder is, what disguise do you secretly wear in your daily life? Psychologist, Robin Reznick, Ph.D., says:  “We sometimes wear masks as our shield-to.. read more →

Oct 10
October 10, 2011

Steve Jobs Quotes

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“Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the.. read more →