Only 3% of adults have clear, written goals and these people accomplish 5-10 times as people who have never taken the time to write out what they want. Clear goals and objectives are essential to the success in business, and in your personal life.  If you don’t take the time to get really clear about.. read more →

By Caroline Zwick Caroline is a life coach and also the creator of The Busy Girl’s 6-Week Plan To Balance & Fulfillment, which is a course packed with amazing lectures, exercises, and interviews with top experts that will strategically guide you towards taking charge of your life from the inside out.  Coupon Code is: busygirllove ($100 off,.. read more →

I hope you had a great memorial weekend! I was upstate celebrating a wedding – it was so much fun! Last time I wrote, I told you how I was being vulnerable and sharing my story about where I was and the shifts I made to get to where I am. If you weren’t able to.. read more →

By Derneeka Cruse So, you think you’re in love. What does that really mean anyway?  Love is not what is ordinarily understood by the word, and it definitely isn’t what most people think they have created in their microwave relationships.  Yes, I went there, microwave relationships! You know the ones that start on Saturday nights.. read more →

I can’t believe it’s already May! The year is just flying by and it seems that the weather is warming up in NY?! Finally. My word for 2014 is Vulnerability. I made the commitment to myself to take bigger risks in order to play bigger in life. A piece of that risk includes sharing my story of transformation. That is one.. read more →

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I don’t know about you, but when I wake up in the morning my thoughts aren’t about cherry blossoms and peaches. I have to work to improve the quality of my thoughts. I do this by meditating, reading, learning wisdom from teachers and listening to inspirational talks. That’s why I’m hosting a live event in.. read more →

By Alexis Meads One of the main reasons it can be so hard to get over a breakup is that we’re not seeing the reality of it. Chances are you’re remembering the best moments. The first kiss. How they looked at your in that certain way. How in love you were with them. I’ve been there… read more →

One of my biggest pet peeves is when people call themselves “fat,” “a loser,” “stupid,” or a variety of other harsh name calling. I feel super sensitive when I hear people say these types of negative things out loud. Partially because as a coach, I have been trained to listen. But not to just listen in any.. read more →

Mar 14
March 14, 2014

I walked on Fire!


Even though I’ve been back in New York for a week, the lessons and tools I learned at the 4 day Tony Robbins event are still pumping through my veins. While I have heard about Tony, watched videos and listened to him, I have never experienced being in his LIVE presence. He truly is an.. read more →