The biggest barrier most people face in success is not in the world out there, but in the way they relate to themselves – with many self-imposed limitations. In fact, the reason why people get angry, sad, or anxious is because of their limited view. If you have a limited view of your self, your.. read more →
These days there’s a certain lack mentality in society, and the news is constantly highlighting financial downfalls as well as the lack of opportunities in the job market. To some extent, there is a universal and collective fear around not having enough. This fear manifests itself in worries about money, creates conflict in relationships, and.. read more →
These questions are adapted from “Your Money Autobiography” in the Financial Recovery Workbook, by Karen McCall. Spend some time writing your answers. Clarity alone often generates change. What were your early memories of money? Were you given an allowance growing up? Were you paid for chores or grades? What was your experience being paid (or.. read more →
People say the key to a successful relationship is communication. However, we can get caught in old habits and patterns of communication. Wether it be something we learned from our parents or a defensive way of responding from past pain, it’s important to learn to communicate effectively. Expressing your thoughts and feelings can be challenging.. read more →
You look in the mirror while you’re getting ready for a hot date. Futzing with your pants- you wonder, “Do I look fat?” Fixing your hair-you worry, “Does my hair look okay?” Your negative self-talk can be unending. Sigh. Going on a date can be like one long job interview. But, obviously, you won’t get.. read more →
Water is the source of life–60-70% of your body IS water. It increases your metabolism by 3% (who doesn’t love that fact) and transports nutrients throughout your tissues. H2O flushes out pollutants, gets rid of toxins and keeps your skin bright. Not staying hydrated can negatively impact your concentration, performance and overall health. Now, how.. read more →
Growing up, you needed calcium, and your parents demanded, “Drink your milk!” As you age, you realize that you still need calcium, along with many other nutrients in your diet to tighten up muscle and make yourself beefy. Even though your are no longer buggin’ you about milk (she still bugs you about other stuff) you.. read more →
Fruit is great to eat on the go. You can eat most fruits while running around town. But not this one. You have to be careful when eating a pomegranate. It’s red, messy and stains everything it comes in contact with. The pomegranate – which has been around since ancient times – requires your special.. read more →
You’re bombarded with fad diets- Atkins, South Beach, The Zone, Sugar Busters, The 3-Hour Diet, Nutrisystem – even supplements to suppress your appetite. They all claim to offer the most effective way to lose weight. With so many options out there, it can be confusing to figure out which diet to go on, and it’s.. read more →
Increase your heart rate. Studies show that those who go to the gym are happier with their bodies and less stressed then those who don’t work out. You’re busy…so, steal time from sunrise. The best time to work out is in the morning. Exercising in the morning gets oxygen-rich blood to your various organs, including.. read more →