Over memorial weekend I went on a trip to Sedona, Arizona with 60 entrepreneurs. While I had met a few people that were attending the trip, I basically didn’t KNOW anyone. I went into it with an open mind, knowing that I was having the opportunity to connect with many like-minded individuals. I arrived in.. read more →
By the time I was 26, I had worked as a tennis coach, receptionist, a waitress for about 2 weeks (I dropped the 3rd piled high roast beef sandwiches on the floor just before they were served to 3 women expecting a nice lunch, but ended up feeling sorry for me), internet marketing consultant, online.. read more →
Happy Valentines Day!! On Valentine’s Day, it’s so easy to get caught up in fear-based thinking. If you are single, you can get down on yourself for not being in a relationship and you start thinking that you aren’t good enough. No good! And if you are in a relationship, it’s easy to focus on.. read more →
Oftentimes, people actually aren’t afraid of commitment. We think that we are, but often times it’s something else. So, we want to remove that label of “fear of commitment” and we want to get to, or uncover, what’s underneath that. read more →
“Your emotions tell you how your energy system is functioning at each moment. They show you at which locations energy is leaving your energy system in fear and doubt and where it is leaving in love and trust. Your job is to identify where energy leaves you in fear and doubt, and change what you.. read more →
“Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the.. read more →
“Suffering is optional. Whenever we experience a stressful feeling- anything from mild discomfort to intense sorrow, rage, or despair-we can be certain that there is a specific thought causing our reaction, whether or not we are conscious of it. The way to end our stress is to investigate the thinking that lies behind it. ”.. read more →
The holiday season is here and it might make you feel joy, stress or fear. It could bring up family struggles and romantic relationship issues.You may feel bad about your unmet goals and think about what you want but don’t have now. Your ego (your mind and awareness) tells you stories about your past and.. read more →