When I first started my business, I hid behind my brand (Self in the City). I was afraid of putting myself “out there.” I didn’t know what others would think of me. I thought, “What would my friends think? What would my family think?” Even worse, “What if….I put myself ‘out there’ and fail?” I.. read more →
Increase your heart rate. Studies show that those who go to the gym are happier with their bodies and less stressed then those who don’t work out. You’re busy…so, steal time from sunrise. The best time to work out is in the morning. Exercising in the morning gets oxygen-rich blood to your various organs, including.. read more →
You used to go to the gym. Now, you’re busy. I mean, after all, you do work all day. The last thing you want to do is hit the gym after a long day at the office (yawn). Once you get home, you want to plop down on the couch, put your feet up, unwind.. read more →
Each day you try to do your best. You do as much as you can – work, run errands, hang out with friends, etc. You attempt to achieve balance and avoid feeling unstable. To achieve stability in life, you gotta make sure you’re on the ball- the stability ball! Doing exercises on a stability ball.. read more →
From Hollywood celebrities to the girl next door- Pilates is a great way to improve your endurance, mental well-being, strengthen your muscles and make your body more flexible. People who do Pilates have better posture and experience overall better health. No need for a gym. All you need is a floor and a mat to.. read more →
While you should get in at least 3 hours of cardio a week, it can be quite boring spending all that time on a treadmill -especially when you’re going at your own pace with thoughts in your head asking, “When will this be over?” So, switch it up. Do short bursts of sprints and then.. read more →
Put your hands in the air and wave ’em like you just don’t care… But, if you’re self-conscious about the jiggly skin between your elbows and armpits, it can take the fun out of throwing your arms in the air. As you age, your body produces less collagen and elastin (the connective tissues that keep.. read more →
Over memorial weekend I went on a trip to Sedona, Arizona with 60 entrepreneurs. While I had met a few people that were attending the trip, I basically didn’t KNOW anyone. I went into it with an open mind, knowing that I was having the opportunity to connect with many like-minded individuals. I arrived in.. read more →
Confidence is something that you can practice by operating outside of your comfort zone—by doing that thing you don’t typically do, or being open to taking chances and trying new things. When old fear arises, it’s important that you are able to be aware, recognize those thoughts, and let them go. This will only allow.. read more →
A single mother struggling to stay afloat with the help of social security checks, J.K. Rowling is a true rags-to-riches story! read more →