Mar 14
March 14, 2020

15 Best Life Coach Quotes

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Here are some great Life Coach Quotes to help navigate confusing times. 1. Don’t let people pull you into their storm. Pull them into your peace.— Pema Chodron 2. The things that matter most in our lives are not fantastic or grand. They are moments when we touch one another. ― Jack Kornfield 3. If.. read more →

Gina’s confidence soared once she discovered her life’s purpose. All the guilt she had previously felt for pivoting so much in the past disappeared. read more →

How you can better understand how to take charge of your emotions? Some of our emotions are part of our past experiences and it’s up to us to learn how to shift them. read more →

David has broken down a process to make you feel more at ease to sharing your truth. If you’re struggling with confrontation, how to talk about something that you really want, or how to talk about something that you’re ashamed of, but you’re not sure how to have the conversation, whether it’s with a partner, or work situation, David share’s a blueprint to make them easier. There are long term benefits to learning to embrace tough conversations rather than sweeping things under the rug. It’s natural to want to avoid discomfort but it’s critical to learn to embrace discomfort if you want to grow. In this episode, we talk about the tendency to sweep things under the rug, how to prepare for a tough conversation, the long-term benefits of sharing our truth, and so much more. read more →

Polly Alexandre is a certified Master Coach, an Intuitive Healer & holds a BA (Hons) in Psychology. She blends her extensive transformational coaching experience and intuitive healing abilities with 15 years experience as an entrepreneur. Polly overcame decades of self-limiting beliefs and negative patterns about money, to live the life she was always meant to live. After waking up with an idea that wouldn’t stop bothering her, she decided it was not a random event, she grabbed her journal and pen. The message she was getting was that she needed to heal her family lineage patterns around money, and that when she did this, she would be able to help others do it as well. read more →

Terri Cole is a New York-based licensed psychotherapist, relationship expert and founder of Real Love Revolution™ & Terri Cole’s Boundary Bootcamp™Before earning a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychotherapy from New York University and adopting a daily meditation/green juice/exercise lifestyle, she worked as a talent agent for actors and supermodels. She was your typical Type A overachiever with zero balance and no internal peace. Her ambition and fearless attitude fanned the “must get to the top” flames as I zipped across the country from Los Angeles to New York City fueled by caffeine, nicotine, and adrenalin. (I was shocked to discover that espresso is not a food group!)

When it became evident that the things (money, power, sexy job) that I thought would make me happy – didn’t, I could no longer ignore the voice in my heart asking, “Isn’t there something more meaningful you could be doing with your life than making supermodels richer?” read more →

Brandi Fano broke out of  generational patterns of dysfunction, disease, and divorce, and fought for her freedom. After enduring trauma and pain through the first two decades of her life, Brandi decided to create an experience of wholeness. Since making the commitment to changing her future, she has drastically shifted into a state of optimal.. read more →

Despite dedicating my profession to encouraging others, I don’t exactly wake up, jump out of bed and feel happy naturally.

My default mode is a slight lean towards negativity. 

I’ve battled negative thoughts: I’m not good at organizing information, I’m not a good writer. 

Just like you, I fear what other people think of me, failing, and putting my work into the world and having it fall flat…  read more →

David Wood is a personal and business coach. David left his cushy Park Avenue job 20 years ago to explore both the outer world and his own inner world. At the individual level, he helps high performing entrepreneurs, executives, and leaders to Play for Real – in their own growth, in their relationships, and at work. By integrating three main principles of Real Truth, Real Daring, and Real Caring. At the corporate level, he helps companies to improve performance and retention. He has consulted Fortune 100 companies – such as Sony Music, Proctor & Gamble, and Exxon. He was recently voted into the Transformational Leadership Council, along with such thought leaders as Stephen M.R. Covey, Jack Canfield, John Gray, and Marianne Williamson. read more →

In the age of social media, we’re constantly seeing what everyone else is doing: traveling the world, speaking on stages, promoting their latest book… 
But the reality is, we’re only seeing a very small snippet of people’s lives. 

The secret to success is what you do in the unseen hours — the reps behind the scenes. 
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